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Launching the Stability-and-Peace Accelerator Programme: Innovate for Resilience in Fragile and Conflict-Affected Settings

In a groundbreaking initiative, the CGIAR Fragility, Conflict and Migration Initiative, in collaboration with the WFP Innovation Accelerator and powered by the International Water Management Institute (IWMI), is thrilled to announce the Stability-and-Peace Accelerator Programme. This global challenge seeks innovative solutions to address the pressing issues faced by over 1.5 billion people in fragile and conflict-affected settings (FCAs), where food security and livelihoods are under unprecedented threats.

Opportunity Overview: The Stability-and-Peace Accelerator Programme aims to drive resilience, ensure food and nutrition security, enhance climate adaptability, and promote social cohesion and sustainability among communities battered by conflict and fragility. Selected innovators will have the chance to participate in a game-changing bootcamp and sprint programme, receive grant funding, and benefit from invaluable networking and technical assistance from CGIAR.

Application Deadline: Act fast! The application deadline is 16 February 2024, 11:59 pm (CET). Don’t miss the opportunity to make a lasting impact.

What We Offer: For successful applicants, the collaboration between CGIAR and the WFP Innovation Accelerator offers a comprehensive support package, including:

  • A six-month Sprint acceleration programme with business-oriented training, mentoring, and science-based technical assistance from the WFP Innovation Accelerator.
  • Access to CGIAR’s extensive research network, the world’s largest publicly funded research-for-development organization.
  • In-country strategy workshop to kick off implementation.
  • A generous US$30,000 equity-free grant for each winning innovation with a proven sustainable business model and scaling plan.
  • Exposure to national and international funders.
  • Post-acceleration support.

Innovation Challenge Criteria: We are seeking both low and high-tech solutions tailored for Fragile and Conflict-Affected Settings in Jordan, Kenya, Nigeria, and Yemen. The specific innovation priorities for each country are outlined below:

  • Jordan: Water and resilience in refugee and host communities.
  • Kenya: Digital solutions for climate security and migration.
  • Nigeria: Resilient food systems and nutrition.
  • Yemen: Water and resilience in conflict-affected areas.

Eligibility Criteria: To be eligible, your organization must:

  • Be an established legal entity (for-profit, not-for-profit, social business, NGO, INGO).
  • Have a presence or a willingness to build a presence in one of the four countries of implementation (Jordan, Kenya, Nigeria, or Yemen).
  • Address one or more priority innovation areas related to pressing challenges faced in the humanitarian space of the country of implementation.
  • Have reached the minimum viable product stage and be gearing up for scale.
  • Have a clear pathway to scale and a potential plan to implement during the six-month Sprint with the available funding.
  • Demonstrate strong intentions to collaborate with relevant humanitarian stakeholders, build relationships with CGIAR country offices, and connect with the innovation ecosystems.
  • Clearly show the need for research and development for the conceptual and commercial development of the innovation.

Don’t miss this chance to be part of a transformative initiative that aims to make a lasting positive change in some of the world’s most challenging environments. Apply now and be a catalyst for innovation and stability in fragile and conflict-affected settings.


For further info, please visit here.