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Call for Applications: COP29 Youth Delegates

Call for Applications: COP29 Youth Delegates

Are you passionate about climate action and aged between 18-30? Do you want to represent your community and voice your experiences on a global stage? Apply now to be a Youth Delegate at COP29 in Baku!

Application Details

• Deadline: 1 September 2024, 18:00 GMT
• Apply Here:Application Form

Climate Mobility Pavilion at COP29

Hosted by the Global Centre for Climate Mobility (GCCM), the Climate Mobility Pavilion (CMP) at COP29 will take place from 11-22 November 2024. The CMP aims to spotlight climate-forced migration and displacement, advocating for people-centered climate action.

CMP Youth Programme

The GCCM’s Youth Forums are inviting applications for the CMP Youth Programme. This initiative will bring together young leaders from the world’s most climate-vulnerable regions to advance climate action. Selected delegates will receive capacity building, speaking opportunities, and engagement with policymakers and climate action champions from various sectors.

• Total Delegates: Up to 30
• Inclusion: Ensures gender equality and representation from diverse climate-impacted communities
• Support: Travel and accommodation expenses covered

Delegate Profiles

Climate Mobility Youth Delegate

• Regions Represented: Africa, the Pacific, Asia, Latin America & the Caribbean
• Criteria: Involvement or experience in climate mobility, particularly from high-risk areas
• Role: Amplify youth voices and drive impactful climate action

Rising Nations Youth Delegate

• Regions Represented: Kiribati, Republic of the Marshall Islands, Tuvalu
• Criteria: Experience in climate action and heritage preservation
• Role: Represent Pacific Atoll communities and spur global climate action


• Age: 18-30 years by the application deadline
• Regions: Applicants must be from the eligible regions and countries
• Encouragement: Migrant and displaced youth are strongly encouraged to apply

Youth Volunteer Selection Committee

Not applying as a delegate but still want to contribute? Join the Youth Volunteer Selection Committee to help promote youth engagement in climate action.

Don’t miss this chance to make a difference at COP29! Apply now and be a voice for your community and climate action on the global stage.