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CALL FOR EXPRESSION OF INTEREST: Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) Youth Advocates [South Africa]

CALL FOR EXPRESSION OF INTEREST: Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) Youth Advocates [South Africa]

Youth development and engagement stand at the forefront of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), alongside other globally recognized frameworks. To bolster the UN’s commitment to fostering meaningful youth involvement and equipping young leaders with the necessary skills, knowledge, and platforms to drive SDG achievement, the UN Youth Theme Group, South Africa, invites nominations for youth leaders to join the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) Youth Advocates.

Actively involving youth in the design and implementation of interventions, programs, and policies not only enhances their efficacy but also cultivates their expertise, capabilities, and leadership potential. This inclusive approach further empowers organizations and entities to advocate for and propel youth development forward. The United Nations (UN) serves as a pivotal advocate and supporter for young people, offering a platform to address their needs, amplify their voices, and advance their engagement.

Integral to the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development Goals and other internationally agreed-upon frameworks, youth development and engagement constitute a central tenet of Security Council Resolutions 2250 (2015) and 2419 (2018). These resolutions underscore the significant and positive role young people play in realizing sustainable development goals.

We welcome nominations from all UN Agencies, Government Departments, and Implementing Partners for two young individuals who have actively participated in youth development programs and showcased exceptional leadership qualities.

Apply HERE

Terms of Reference: Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) Youth Advocates

1. Background:
Engaging youth actively in the design and development of interventions, programs, and policies enhances their effectiveness and fosters their growth in knowledge, skills, and leadership abilities. This approach strengthens organizations’ capacity to advocate for and advance youth development. The UN serves as a crucial source of protection and support for young people, providing a platform to address their needs, amplify their voices, and enhance their engagement. Youth development and engagement are integral to the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development Goals and represent a central aspect of Security Council Resolutions 2250 (2015) and 2419 (2018).

2. Objectives:
The SDG Youth Advocates initiative aims to establish a mechanism for open dialogue and exchange between government, UN Agencies, and youth groups to address adolescent and youth development issues in South Africa. Additionally, it supports the UN Office of the Secretary-General’s Envoy on Youth objectives to advocate, engage, and build a brain trust of young leaders supporting the UN and partners for SDG-related initiatives.

3. Selection Criteria:
– Aged between 15-24 years
– Experience in youth advocacy and engagement
– Affiliation with youth organizations/networks
– Ability to commit to participation requirements
– Excellent communication and public speaking skills
– Leadership, innovation, scalability, impact, and presentation skills

4. Period of Membership:
Advocates will serve for a period of 2 years.

5. Remuneration:
Membership is voluntary, with no remuneration provided. Travel and accommodation costs for approved meetings and engagements will be covered by the UN inter-agency group on Youth.

6. Management Arrangements:
The initiative will be managed and coordinated through the UN inter-agency group on Youth.

Deadline for Submissions: 1st June 2024

Apply HERE

Together, let’s empower the youth to become catalysts for sustainable change, driving forward the vision of a better, more equitable world envisioned by the Sustainable Development Goals.