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Call for Application 2024 for the annual RSF Reporting Fellowships is now open!

Are you a journalist from a region where press freedom is limited, and your work has exposed you to threats and endangerment? The Reporters Without Borders (RSF) is excited to announce the opening of applications for its RSF Reporting Fellowships for 2024. This unique opportunity is designed to support courageous journalists by providing a safe space in Berlin, Germany, where they can work on their journalistic projects. Discover how you can be a part of this life-changing experience.

About the RSF Reporting Fellowships

The RSF Reporting Fellowships aim to offer refuge and resources to journalists who have been exposed to threats and challenges in their line of work. This initiative comprises two distinct fellowships:

  1. RSF Research and Recharge Fellowship: Open to all media professionals at risk, this fellowship is for those who wish to complete a journalistic project. It provides a unique opportunity to explore and research new angles and topics.
  2. RSF Digital Freedom & Safety Fellowship: Sponsored by Jan-Eric Peters, this fellowship is specifically aimed at journalists who have faced digital threats and surveillance. It is an opportunity to complete a journalistic project while benefiting from safety and support.

Fellowship Highlights

The selected candidates will experience:

  • Dedication to their journalistic project free from external pressures.
  • Expansion of their professional network.
  • Access to various professional training opportunities.
  • Psychological support.
  • Participation in cultural activities in Berlin.

What RSF Will Cover

As part of the RSF Reporting Fellowships, selected journalists will receive:

  • Visa and travel costs.
  • Furnished apartment in Berlin.
  • Travel health insurance for the six-month stay in Berlin.
  • A monthly grant of 1000€.
  • Workshops, including digital safety training and stress management.
  • Opportunities for professional journalistic and personal development.

How to Apply

If you’re a professional journalist facing threats or challenges in your work, you can apply for the RSF Reporting Fellowships. Make a significant impact on your career and your commitment to journalistic excellence.

Requirements for a Successful Application

To be eligible, applicants should:

  • Have several years of work experience as a professional journalist.
  • Face a personal threat situation due to their journalistic work or challenging working conditions caused by external factors.
  • Possess a good command of the English language for professional communication.
  • Hold a passport valid for at least twelve months at the time of application.
  • Have the ability and willingness to return to their home country after the fellowship.
  • Develop a well-structured project outline for their journalistic project.

Application Documents

Your application should include:

  • A completed and signed application form.
  • A scan of your current passport (valid for another 12 months or renewable).
  • A tabular form curriculum vitae (CV).
  • A 1-2 page letter of motivation explaining your application, including specific threats to your work and the impact of your stay in Berlin.
  • A detailed project outline (1-2 pages) answering key questions about your project’s topic, medium, audience, and more.

Please send the completed application form and other requested documents in PDF format to:

Application Deadline: November 19th, 2023, at 11:59 pm (CET).

Find all details HERE.