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Grants for Grassroot Organizations, Activists and Journalist around the world

Grants for Grassroot Organizations, Activists and Journalist around the world

Are you a passionate activist, grassroots organization, or dedicated journalist seeking funding for your advocacy efforts? Look no further. We’ve compiled a list of grants that support causes ranging from social and climate justice to civic freedom and women’s rights. Many of these opportunities are available for projects worldwide, so be sure to share them with your networks. And if you know of other grants, feel free to add them in the comments to spread the support even further.

Het Actiefonds – Empowering Social Movements

Grant Focus: Specific protests and campaigns Average Grant Size: €750 – €2,000 Organizational Registration: Not required Location: Anywhere Deadline: Rolling

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The Maypole Fund – Feminist Activism Against Militarism

Grant Focus: Feminist activism against militarism and war Location: International Grant Size: £1,000 Next Deadline: January 31, 2024

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L’Oréal Fund for Women – Fighting Gender-Based Violence and Poverty

Grant Focus: Gender-based violence and poverty Location: International Grant Size: Not disclosed Deadline: October 31

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One Day’s Wages – Amplify Your Impact

Grant Focus: Match-funding via their platform Location: Countries with low or medium UN Human Development Index ranking Deadline: Rolling Grant Size: $5,000 – $30,000

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Commonwealth Foundation – Promoting Justice and Freedom

Grant Focus: Health justice, freedom of expression, climate justice Grant Size: £15,000 per year Location: Commonwealth countries Deadline: October 23, 2023

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Global Fund for Women – Empowering Feminist Initiatives

Grant Focus: Feminist Approaches To Anti-Corruption Grant Size: Flexible funding from $20,000 to $50,000 USD Deadline: October 31 Priority Given To: Armenia, Kenya, Guatemala, Lebanon, Mexico, Nepal, Uganda, and Syria

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International Women’s Media Foundation – Supporting Women Journalists

Grant Focus: Women journalists Location: Anywhere Average Grant: $6,000 Deadline: Rolling

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Pulitzer Center’s Gender Equality Grants – Amplifying Voices

Grant Focus: Gender equality stories for journalists Average Grant Size: $5,000 Deadline: Rolling

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Note: We are not affiliated with these organizations. Please review each donor’s eligibility criteria and guidelines before applying.


Source: Victoria F