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Tell Your Impactful Environmental Story: Storyfest 2025 Entries Open

Tell Your Impactful Environmental Story: Storyfest 2025 Entries Open

Are you passionate about environmental storytelling? The Planet Forward Storyfest Awards invite students from all disciplines to share their innovative and impactful stories that inspire action toward a greener future. Whether your focus is climate justice, conservation, or sustainable solutions, your unique narrative could make a difference.

Submission Timeline Entries for the 2025 Storyfest competition are open till February 10, 2025, at 11:59 PM EDT.

Award Categories

  1. Best Short Video
    • Length: 1-8 minutes
    • Quality: HD audio and visual
    • Description: 50-200 words
    • Platform: Vimeo or YouTube
  2. Best Social Media Video
    • Length: 30-90 seconds
    • Quality: HD audio and visual
    • Description: 50-200 words
    • Orientation: Vertical (9:16 aspect ratio)
    • Platform: Vimeo or YouTube
  3. Best Written Story
    • Length: 600-1,000 words
    • Requirements: Minimum of one image (preferably by the entrant) and interviews with 2-3 sources
  4. Best Multimedia Story
    • Elements: Photography, video, audio/music, and digital art
    • Photo Quality: Minimum of 150 dpi
    • Description: 200-600 words
    • Platform: Adobe Express or similar
    • Include embed code and a photograph
  5. Best Podcast
    • Length: 3-15 minutes
    • Quality: HD audio
    • Description: 50-200 words
    • Include a photograph and full transcription
    • Platform: SoundCloud or PodBean

Special Awards

  • GW Award: For exceptional storytelling and academic excellence
  • Spotlight Award: Highlights innovative solutions from underserved communities
  • Fan Favorite: Determined by public voting from March 31, 2025, to April 17, 2025

Submission Guidelines

  • Grand Prize: Winners will travel with Lindblad Expeditions to the Galápagos Islands (July 18-27, 2025), reporting on environmental solutions and innovations.
  • Judging Criteria: Creativity, communication skill, factual accuracy, and potential impact.

How to Enter

  1. Review the Official Rules, then log into your account, or create a new one.
  2. Draft and upload your story.
  3. At the bottom of the page, check the “This is a Storyfest entry” checkbox and complete the entry form questions.
  4. Change your story status to “Needs Review,” and hit “Save.”

For more details and to submit your entry, visit Planet Forward. For assistance, email

Showcase your creativity and drive change—tell a story that moves the planet forward!