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Introducing LEVANTE: A Global Initiative for Understanding Child Development

Introducing LEVANTE: A Global Initiative for Understanding Child Development

The Learning Variability Network Exchange (LEVANTE) aims to understand how children grow and learn across various contexts, helping them thrive in diverse life experiences.

Key Focus:
– Cross-cultural research: The first global dataset on child development.
– Collaboration: Connects researchers to study learning variability.
– Longitudinal data: Tracks individual, group, and contextual differences.

– Explore how individual, group, and contextual factors shape learning.
– Improve learning outcomes worldwide.
– Promote collaboration among researchers, educators, and policymakers.

Call for Proposals:
The Jacobs Foundation seeks creative research using LEVANTE data. Example projects include:
– Integrating LEVANTE measures into existing studies.
– Using LEVANTE in randomized interventions.
– Combining LEVANTE with data like behavioral, neuroimaging, genetic, or educational measures.

Focus and Eligibility:
– Study children aged 5-12; measures available in English, Spanish, and German.
– Global participation, with a focus on Colombia, Ghana, Switzerland, and Côte d’Ivoire.
– Applicants must hold a PhD and conduct high-quality research on learning variability.

Proposal Criteria:
– Scientific quality, project feasibility, innovation, and geographic diversity are key.
– Larger, more representative samples are preferred.

Budget and Timeline:
– CHF 4 million is available for projects lasting at least three years.
– Initial application period: August 12 – October 6, 2024.

More info here.