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Enroll Now: UNODA Short Course on Youth and Disarmament

Enroll Now: UNODA Short Course on Youth and Disarmament

About the Course

The Sci-fAI Futures Youth Challenge, supported by the Republic of Korea, offers a unique opportunity to engage young people in disarmament efforts. This course provides participants with insights into how youth can contribute to peace and security, particularly in disarmament and non-proliferation.

Each module explores disarmament within the broader United Nations framework, emphasizing the importance of youth participation. The course also highlights the role of the United Nations Office for Disarmament Affairs (UNODA) in empowering youth and provides an overview of key organizations involved in disarmament efforts.

Course Objectives

By completing this course, participants will gain knowledge on:

  • The pivotal role of youth in advancing disarmament goals.
  • The United Nations’ approach to youth engagement in disarmament.
  • UNODA’s initiatives empowering young people.
  • Key accomplishments of youth advocates in disarmament.
  • Opportunities to contribute to disarmament through UNODA and local initiatives.

Target Audience

This course is open to all individuals interested in the meaningful engagement of youth in disarmament and peacebuilding.

Course Structure and Methodology

The course comprises two thematic modules:

  1. Introduction to Disarmament: Machinery, Processes, and the Role of the United Nations
  2. Youth and Disarmament

Each module takes approximately 20 minutes and can be completed at the participant’s own pace. The course is accessible on the Disarmament Education Dashboard and is available in English. Participants need a computer or mobile device with internet access.


Upon completing all modules and the evaluation, participants will receive a certificate of completion.

Register for course here.

UNODA Short-Course Series

This course is part of the UN Office for Disarmament Affairs Short-Course Series, which aims to provide quality education on disarmament, arms control, and non-proliferation. These courses align with the UN Secretary-General’s Agenda for Disarmament and contribute to the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

To learn more and enroll, visit