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Call for Artivist Proposals: WE ARE (FOR) CIVIL SOCIETY


CIVICUS is a global alliance of civil society organisations and activists dedicated to strengthening citizen action and civil society throughout the world.

  • established in 1993
  • since 2002 headquartered in Johannesburg, South Africa,
  • with additional hubs across the globe.
  • a membership alliance with more than 15,000 members in more than 175 countries.

CIVICUS overarching goal is to strengthen civil society and citizen action for expanded civic and democratic space. For this period, we will work centering on five core objectives.

About the Program:

  • Seeking artists and activists working together
  • Focus on visual arts, other formats considered
  • Ten proposals to receive up to £4,000 each
  • New arts-based work or interventions expected from successful applicants

Proposals Context

  • Appeal to emotions and passions rather than technical arguments
  • Reclaim the language of human rights and civil society
  • Challenge populist and authoritarian narratives
  • Include proactive responses and innovative ideas
  • Move beyond zero-sum game thinking


Proposals must be max 3 pages and must include the following: 

  1. A brief profile/biography of the applicants 
  1. A brief description of the proposed project, including how it responds to the call’s theme, whether it builds on existing initiatives or is a new collaboration, and which media/methodologies it will use. 
  1. The main beneficiaries and audiences of the project of work and why the methodology/medium is appropriate for the local context. 
  1. Details of additional sources of funding or contributions. 
  1. The envisioned output(s) of the project. Outputs in local languages are encouraged.
  1. A timeline for the delivery of outputs. Projects should begin between November and December 2024 and be completed by 31 December 2025. A final report or blog must be submitted by the end of the period.
  1. The amount of funding you are applying for, and a brief justification in the form of a basic budget. Funds can be used for subsistence/salary costs, materials, or other reasonable costs. Most grants will be for around £4,000.
  • Proposals can include an appendix of up to two extra pages featuring examples of artistic work.
  • Video proposals will be accepted, but videos shouldn’t exceed four minutes. 


  • Relevance (the topic: ‘We are (for) civil society), innovation, feasibility key criteria
  • Successful applicants notified in October 2024

Payments and Copyright

  • Payments to be made by University of York, delays possible
  • Copyright remains with the applicant
  • CIVICUS and ART given limited rights to use outputs


  • Applications can be submitted in English or Spanish.

Deadline for submissions is 15 September 2024 (5pm GMT) and should be sent to