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Call for Proposals: Climate Change AI Innovation Grants 2024

About Climate Change AI

  • A nonprofit initiative to catalyze impactful work at the intersection of climate change and machine learning.
  • Inspired, informed, and connected thousands of individuals since 2019.

Details of the Grant:

  • Grant amount: Up to USD 150K per proposal, for projects of 12 months in duration.
  • Scope: Projects at the intersection of AI/machine learning and climate change.


  • Principal Investigator must be affiliated with an accredited university in one of the 38 OECD Member Countries.
  • Co-Investigators can be located outside OECD Member countries and can be affiliated with non-research institutions.

The Purpose of This Grant

  • AI and machine learning can help support climate change mitigation and adaptation.
  • Lack of data and infrastructure have hindered impactful research in this area.
  • The use of AI for climate action must consider impact, responsibility, and equity.

Grant Information

  • USD 1.4M in grants available for projects at the intersection of AI and climate change.
  • Projects must result in a deployed project, scientific publications, or other public dissemination of results.
  • Dataset produced must comply with the FAIR Data Principles.


Selection Criteria

  • Climate relevance, AI/ML relevance, dataset, pathway to impact, ethics, feasibility, expertise of team.

Application Instructions

  • Basic information, project description, budget and budget justification, CVs of key personnel.
  • All applications must be received by September 15th, 2024 at 23:59 (Anywhere on Earth time, UTC-12).

Special Tracks

Main Track

  • Addresses problems in climate change mitigation, adaptation, or climate science.
  • Topics include mitigation approaches, societal adaptation, R&D of low-carbon technologies, and more.

Special Track on Methane

  • Focuses on methane-related climate change mitigation.
  • Areas of interest include energy, waste and circular economy, and agriculture.

Special Track on Dataset Gaps

  • Focuses on creating datasets to enable further work in tackling climate change.
  • Proposals may request support from a Google DeepMind researcher.