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Apply for PhD in Applied sciences, Engineering, and Technology in Sub-Saharan Africa


The PASET Regional Scholarship and Innovation Fund (RSIF) is offering PhD scholarships to support 3-4 year doctoral training in PASET Rsif Priority Thematic Areas. The sixth call for applications is now open.

About PASET:

PASET is an African-led initiative focusing on closing the skills gap in applied sciences, engineering, and technology (ASET) in sub-Saharan Africa. RSIF is the flagship program of PASET, aimed at supporting PhD students, post-doctoral scientists, and universities in SSA. It is funded by African governments, the World Bank, and the Government of Korea, and managed by the International Centre of Insect Physiology and Ecology (icipe) in Nairobi, Kenya.

Objectives of RSIF:

  • Train highly skilled scientists and innovators in ASET fields
  • Nurture talented Africans interested in further studies in ASET fields
  • Address gender and disadvantaged group imbalances in ASET fields
  • Build capacity in African universities for ASET training

Available Scholarships:

20 scholarships are available,

  • with 16 designated for Kenyan nationals
  • and 4 for nationals of other countries in SSA.


The duration of the PhD scholarship is 3 to 4 years, with a 6-12 month ‘sandwich’ placement at an international partner institution.


  • Citizen of any country in sub-Saharan Africa
  • Relevant master’s degree in Rsif fields of study
  • Meet admission requirements of the Rsif AHU (African Host Universities) hosting the program
  • 35 years of age or below at application
  • Enrolled full-time in a PhD program at an Rsif AHU in the 2024-2025 academic year
  • No other PhD scholarship held at the time of applying
  • Working on a research topic aligned with African development
  • Priority will be given to women and existing young academic faculty who do not have a PhD


  • Tuition and research costs
  • Monthly allowance for living expenses
  • Travel costs (from home country to the Rsif AHU, from the Rsif AHU to the International Partner Institute)
  • Insurance coverage’

Are NOT covered:

  • Extra support for family members/ dependents
  • Additional return tickets to the home country for personal reasons
  • Application costs to AHUs including certifying and equating of certificates


Deadline: 16th September 2024 at 5:00 pm (East Africa Time)

Read more and apply here.

For inquiries, contact the Regional Coordination Unit (RCU) at icipe