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The 1 Hotels Fellowship at E2: Empowering Future Environmental Leaders

The 1 Hotels Fellowship at E2: Empowering Future Environmental Leaders

The 1 Hotels Fellowship at E2 supports young entrepreneurs and emerging business leaders dedicated to advancing smart climate policies that benefit both the economy and the environment. Through this initiative, E2 (Environmental Entrepreneurs) and 1 Hotels nurture future leaders to address critical environmental challenges.

Fellowship Overview

Selected fellows will collaborate with E2 to tackle pressing environmental issues nationwide. The fellowship targets early to mid-career professionals eager to make a meaningful impact. A committee of seasoned entrepreneurs, environmental leaders, and E2 network members will select six fellows each year. Preference may be given to region-specific projects or those that help E2 expand its reach.

Areas of Focus

Fellows work in key areas such as:

• Climate Change
• Clean Energy
• Food & Agriculture
• Healthy Communities
• Oceans
• Clean Water
• Nature & Wildlife

Projects should offer innovative solutions through organizing, research, advocacy, and more.

Fellowship Benefits

Running from January 2025 to December 2025, the fellowship includes a $20,000 award, mentorship from sustainability experts, media exposure, and networking opportunities. Fellows will join E2’s Emerging Leaders Program, gaining access to monthly webinars, special programs, and connections with business leaders and investors.

More info here.