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Call for Proposals: Funding Bold Ideas for Youth Mental Health in 12 Countries

Overview: excited to announce funding opportunities for innovative projects aimed at improving youth mental health and wellbeing across 12 countries: Colombia, Ecuador, Ghana, India, Indonesia, Morocco, Pakistan, Romania, Senegal, Sierra Leone, Tanzania, and Vietnam. If you have a bold idea that addresses the early drivers of mental health challenges for underserved young people aged 10-24, we want to hear from you.

Important Updates

New Deadline: The deadline for Ecosystem Catalyst proposals has been extended to Wednesday, August 28, 2024, at 12 PM EDT. Please ensure that your submissions are completed by this date.

Seed and Transition-to-Scale Proposals: These will continue to be accepted on a rolling basis.

Key Documents and Resources

Focused Funding

We are committed to funding prevention and promotion ideas that address the early drivers of mental health and wellbeing for the most underserved young people in our 12 priority countries. Our funding decisions are guided by local priorities established through consultations with youth, policymakers, local organizations, and mental health experts. We strongly encourage applications from youth-led organizations based in these countries.

Available Funding Opportunities

  1. Please review the Request for Proposals document for full details on our available funding and country priorities.  

    1. Proof-of-Concept (POC) Funding  

    POC funding up to $250,000 CAD will be awarded over 15, 18 or 24 months to early-stage projects that can implement, test and refine solutions to country-specific personal, social, and/or environmental factors impacting young people’s mental health and wellbeing in one of the 12 countries.

    1. Transition-to-Scale (TTS) Funding 

    TTS funding between $300,000 CAD and $1,500,000 CAD over 12-48 months will be awarded to support organizations that align with country-specific priorities along their scaling journey to help catalyze their sustainability and impact.

    1. Ecosystem Catalyst (EC) Funding 

    EC funding between $200,000 CAD and $300,000 CAD over 24 months will be awarded to organizations that can address priority barriers to scale, such as legislation, evidence, coordination, and mobilize demand for the scale-up of effective solutions in one of the 12 countries.

Eligibility Criteria

All legally incorporated organizations based in any country are eligible to apply, provided the project is implemented in one of the 12 priority countries. Preference will be given based on the following criteria:

  1. Youth-led organizations based in one of the 12 countries.
  2. Organizations based in one of the 12 countries.
  3. Organizations based in any low- and middle-income country partnering with a local organization in one of the 12 countries.
  4. Other eligible organizations.

How to Apply

The application process involves two stages:

  1. Stage One: Complete a screening questionnaire and submit a project summary.
  2. Stage Two: If successful in stage one, submit a full project application.

Note: Applications are accepted only through our online form accessible via Grand Challenges Canada’s Fluxx Portal. New users must register at least 7 days before an intake deadline.

Application Deadlines

Seed and Transition-to-Scale:

  • Current Intake Period: June 26 – September 25, 2024.
  • Deadline to register on Fluxx: September 18, 2024, at 11:59 PM EDT.
  • Application Deadline: September 25, 2024, at 12:00 PM EDT.
  • Next Intake Period: September 26, 2024 – January 15, 2025.

Ecosystem Catalyst:

  • Application Deadline: Wednesday, August 28, 2024, at 12 PM EDT.
  • Register on Fluxx by: August 21, 2024, at 11:59 PM EDT.

Application Information

For full application details, country priorities, and eligibility criteria, please refer to the RFP document. For any other inquiries, reach out to us at