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Join the Selection Committee for the Community Engagement Exchange Program

Are you an experienced civil society leader? The Community Engagement Exchange (CEE) Program invites you to join our network as an application reviewer! By serving on the CEE Participant Selection Committee, you will play a crucial role in identifying the next cohort of emerging civil society changemakers.

About the Selection Committee

The CEE Participant Selection Committee consists of two parts:

  1. Reading Committee: Members will read and score 30-40 applications for the 2025 cohort from July 10, 2024, to July 29, 2024.
  2. Interview Committee: Selected members from the Reading Committee may also serve on the Interview Committee, reviewing and scoring approximately 20 pre-recorded semi-finalist interviews from August 26, 2024, to September 13, 2024.

This role is fully voluntary, and all participants who complete their scoring will receive a certificate of participation.

Benefits of Joining the Selection Committee

  • Network Expansion: Connect with a global cohort of dedicated civil society professionals.
  • Expertise Sharing: Contribute your civil society, thematic, and regional knowledge.
  • Professional Development: Enhance your skills as an application reviewer.


Ideal candidates are:

  • American and international civil society leaders.
  • Alumni of U.S. Government (USG) programs working in the civil society sector.
  • Individuals with expertise in Civic Dialogue and Peacebuilding, Open and Participatory Government, Women and Gender, Environmental Sustainability, or Youth Engagement.

How to Apply

Interested in joining? Complete the interest form and upload your resume by June 25, 2024. Notifications will be conducted on a rolling basis.

  • Reading Phase: July 10, 2024 – July 29, 2024
  • Interview Phase: August 26, 2024 – September 13, 2024 (optional)


Selection Committee Reviewer Requirements

  • Experience in civil society (e.g., U.S. community developers, thematic experts, hosts of international exchange participants, or alumni of USG programs).
  • Availability to review 30-40 applications from July 10 to July 29, 2024, voluntarily.
  • Not a current applicant of the CEE Program.
  • Optional interest in reviewing interview applications from August 26 to September 13, 2024.

About the CEE Program

The CEE Program supports emerging community leaders aged 21-28 from over 100 countries, working across public, private, and non-profit sectors to tackle public concerns and enhance community quality. CEE fellows focus on civic dialogue and peacebuilding, participatory government, gender issues, environmental sustainability, and youth engagement.

The CEE Program is sponsored by the U.S. Department of State with funding from the U.S. Government and is implemented by IREX.


For inquiries, please email:
Subject Line: CEE Participant Selection Committee Inquiry