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Global Polio Eradication: UN Foundation’s Polio Press Fellowship 2024 Calls for Journalists

The United Nations Foundation is offering a unique opportunity for journalists passionate about global health reporting. The Polio Press Fellowship 2024 invites applications until January 1, 2024, from reporters eager to cover stories related to polio eradication worldwide.

Key Information:

About the Fellowship: The Polio Press Fellowship is designed for journalists interested in shedding light on the efforts to eradicate polio globally. Selected fellows will undergo virtual polio training and receive funding to travel to prominent polio-affected countries such as the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Nigeria, Mozambique, Pakistan, Somalia, and Yemen.

Why Polio Matters: Polio is a highly contagious disease affecting children under five, causing paralysis and, in severe cases, death. Thanks to extensive eradication initiatives, including an effective vaccine, global reporting networks, government investment, and dedicated health workers, polio cases have decreased by over 99% since 1988.

Fellowship Objectives: The fellowship aims to empower journalists to visit polio-affected areas, collecting stories to raise global awareness about the significance of polio eradication and how polio infrastructure contributes to broader health goals.

Application Requirements: Interested reporters should submit a project proposal and budget, showcasing their unique interest in polio eradication. Themes may include advancements in polio vaccination, health security, the role of polio programming in broader health goals, gender and polio, and eradication efforts in complex and remote areas.

Media Platforms: Projects across all media platforms, including print, photography, audio, and video, will be considered for publication by reputable news outlets. The fellowship does not fund books, feature-length films, fiction, or equipment purchases.

Fellowship Funding: Generously supported by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, the fellowship awards up to $10,000 to each of the six selected fellows, covering reporting costs. Applicants must provide a budget breakdown for transportation, accommodation, and other travel expenses.

Application Process: Applications, including project proposals, must be submitted by January 1, 2024. Selected fellows will be notified in January, and reporting trips should be completed by July 2024.

How to Apply: Follow THIS LINK to apply.

Contact Information: For inquiries, contact