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COVID-19 Opportunities

WHO’s Science in 5 on COVID-19 – I am vaccinated, what next?

The world is currently experiencing challenging times in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. Every individual is affected in different ways, and we recognise that the impacts differ across countries. However, amongst the challenges are a huge number of outstanding opportunities ready for you to discover. Whilst many things have been ‘taken away’ from us for now, we have also gained so much during the pandemic; individuals have gained more time back in their lives, ability to reflect, and conscious appreciation of life and all the world has to offer. We have put together this page to help keep you motivated, and exploring opportunities during this ever-changing time. We have included many different references for you, including information about COVID-19, health and wellbeing tips, further study opportunities, and stories of hope.

We encourage you to explore this page with an open mind, and to immerse yourself in areas of interest. Happy reading!

Each country will have different websites for assistance and more information. Being a global organisation we have provided you with information from the WHO webpage, and encourage you to visit this page to learn more.

Opportunities amongst the pandemic

Whilst the current pandemic presents many challenges, it also offers a number of uncovered opportunities. As our world rapidly evolves to manage the pandemic, and its after effects, there are new jobs and skills in demand. Many organisations are also offering an increased number of online courses free, and at reduced fees. Now is the perfect time to explore additional skills and knowledge areas, and to consider further study or short training opportunities to upskill and / or engage in new areas of interest.

Below we have provided links to a selection of organisations and webpages to explore such opportunities:

Taking care of yourself

During the pandemic many of us have had to adjust both personally, and as a community. This often involves helping others, and it is common we sometimes forget to also focus on ourselves. It is vital that individuals take care of themselves first and foremost, so that they can be the best version of themselves when helping others. This includes both physically and mentally staying fit, active, and engaged. There are many ways you can do this, both on your own, and also through online support. Each country and city will have a number of different support channels, so we encourage you to explore. Below we have provided some global generic pages with helpful information to get you started.

Stories of hope

Sometimes the best form of motivation is reading about stories of hope and ordinary humans doing extraordinary things! Through the recent pandemic has evolved a number of incredible and inspiring stories of individuals and their community innovating to support each other, and build new opportunities. Young people are brilliant and evoking such creativity, and many of these new initiatives evolve in to long-term support. We encourage to read below, be inspired, and then go and write your own story of hope!

Do you have a story of hope to share that has evolved through the COVID-19 pandemic? We love hearing from our users across the globe. Submit your story HERE:

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Helpful Resources

Many of us have been asked to provide information about COVID-19 in our work, and personal lives. There are a huge array of resources across the globe. Below we have provided you with a list of resources to reference from the United Nations website. We hope these are helpful, and encourage you to consider your audience and what information they may find helpful.

COVID-19 Communication Resources

Press Releases

  • UN and partners release new Research Roadmap to guide recovery from COVID-19 (17 November 2020)
  • United Nations Secretary-General calls for individual action to combat misinformation (20 October 2020)
  • United Nations launches global ‘Pause’ campaign to tackle spread of misinformation (30 June 2020)

For Patients

  • Presentation on COVID Key Preventive Measures for Field Context
  • 10 things you can do to manage your COVID-19 symptoms at home/isolation area
  • Prevent the spread of COVID-19 if you are sick
  • Please read before entering
  • Stop the Spread of Germs
  • Temperature and Symptom Log

For Healthcare Workers

  • Get Your Clinic Ready
  • Use of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) When Caring for Patients with Confirmed or Suspected COVID-19
    • Two-page poster
    • One-page poster
    • PPE Illustration

Infographics from PAHO


Global COVID Youth survey