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Join the agi_RE Youth Journey: Become a Community Development Ambassador with ComDev Africa

Join the agi_RE Youth Journey: Become a Community Development Ambassador with ComDev Africa

ComDev Africa is recruiting young volunteers across several African countries to become Ambassadors for the agi_RE Youth Journey, as part of the YouthLAB (AU-EU Youth Voices LAB – Power of the Collective) project. This program empowers young people with the skills and tools to address local challenges and create meaningful social impact within their communities.

About the agi_RE Youth Journey:

The agi_RE program is a four-month initiative designed to train and support young people in community development. As an Ambassador, you will undergo comprehensive training, mobilize volunteers, and implement real-world community projects that tackle pressing issues such as reforestation, social awareness, and environmental challenges.


Volunteer recruitment is open in the following countries and cities:

What to Expect as an Ambassador:

  • Participate in three days of in-person training, learning the tools and methods necessary to become a community developer.
  • Spend the next two weeks preparing to recruit and train local mobilizers who will collaborate with you on high-impact community projects.
  • 3 days during where you will train your mobilisers in your town, to co-create simple projects with a high social impact (reforestation, awareness-raising, etc.), and mobilize and engage local volunteers in implementing these projects locally to address community challenges
  • Throughout the program, you will stay in contact with your mobilizers via regular updates, group discussions on WhatsApp, and reporting on progress (2 hours per week).

Support and Logistics:

You will receive guidance from a Country Coordinator, ensuring the smooth execution of the program. Workshop-related expenses, including transportation, catering, and internet, will be covered by ComDev Africa on a voluntary basis.

Your Mission as an Ambassador:

  • Organize and lead collective action projects.
  • Mobilize local volunteers to tackle community challenges.
  • Launch a citizen action program that makes a measurable impact.

Skills and Experience You’ll Gain:

  • Community management and project planning
  • Facilitation of collective intelligence workshops
  • Volunteer recruitment and training
  • Collaboration with local partners and stakeholders

If you’re ready to take action and drive positive change, apply to become an agi_RE Ambassador today!


Agi-RE est un programme de formation et d’engagement pour les jeunes. Pendant le premier mois, vous participerez à des formations pour devenir des « Community Builders » et nous vous guiderons dans vos actions.
En tant qu’ambassadeur.rice formé.e à l’agi_RE Youth Journey de ComDev Africa, vous aurez alors l’opportunité d’inspirer et d’engager d’autres jeunes pendant 3 mois à prendre des mesures pour relever des défis locaux.

Toutes les actions qui vous seront proposées seront menées dans le cadre des règles officielles de santé et de sécurité.
Pendant ces 4 mois, vous serez accompagné par un coordinateur national qui donnera de son temps et de son énergie pour assurer le bon déroulement du programme.

Voici un programme plus détaillé pour les 4 mois :
📅 3 jours de formation à Tunis aux outils et à la méthode agi_RE pour devenir Community Developer
📅 2 semaines de préparation pour recruter (en ligne) vos mobilisateurs et les former dans votre ville
📅 3 jours pendant lesquels vous formerez vos mobilisateurs dans votre ville, à co-créer des projets simples à fort impact social, à mobiliser et à engager des volontaires locaux pour les mettre en œuvre localement afin de répondre aux défis de la communauté.

👉 Cela vous prendra quelques heures par mois pendant 4 mois au cours desquels vous serez très bien formés pour ensuite passer à l’action.

Lieux de recrutement :