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2025 Echoing Green Fellowship Applications Now Open!

2025 Echoing Green Fellowship Applications Now Open!

Applications for the 2025 Fellowship are now open! This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to join a global network of visionary leaders who are driving transformative social change. If you’re passionate about addressing the world’s most pressing challenges and building solutions that create lasting impact, this Fellowship could be the next step in your journey.

Deadline: Submit your application by Tuesday, October 8, 2024, at 2 PM EDT.

Prepare Your Application

We understand the effort required to create a strong application, and we are committed to supporting you throughout the process. To help you get started, we’ve provided a suite of downloadable resources that you can use to prepare your application offline:

These resources will ensure you’re fully prepared to submit a comprehensive, thoughtful, and well-structured application.

Who We’re Looking For

The Fellowship is designed for early-stage social entrepreneurs who are passionate about building a world free from systemic inequalities, where all people can thrive.

This Fellowship seeks individuals and teams who have firsthand experience with the issues they are addressing and are working to design innovative solutions in collaboration with their communities. We seek leaders who:

  • Have deep knowledge of the challenge they are addressing.
  • Reflect the communities they serve and understand the lived experiences of the people impacted by the issue.
  • Co-design solutions with the people affected, ensuring that those closest to the problem are integral to the solution.

If you’re committed to systemic change and are eager to lead efforts to create a more just and equitable world, this Fellowship is for you.

Learn more about how to build a competitive application by watching our webinar, where we offer tips on how to stand out in the application process.

What to Expect in the Application Process

Here’s an overview of the steps you’ll follow as you apply for the Fellowship:

  1. Submit Your Application During the Open Period
    The application process is designed to be inclusive and constructive. We encourage you to take advantage of the resources we’ve provided to help you build a strong submission.
  2. Applications Reviewed
    Once submitted, your application will be reviewed by a team of expert readers who will assess it against the selection criteria. You will receive insights as you advance through the process.
  3. Finalists Chosen
    If you are chosen as a finalist, you’ll participate in an interview with a panel of experts. As a finalist, you will also be featured in the Fellowship’s Talent Report, which highlights innovative leaders and ideas.
  4. Fellows Notified
    If you are selected as a Fellow, you’ll begin your journey with the Fellowship, starting with onboarding and ongoing guidance to support your success. Your Fellowship journey will be supported by both financial resources and strategic mentorship.

Application Details

Before you begin, please review the following eligibility requirements to ensure you qualify for the Fellowship.

Applicant Eligibility

To apply, you must:

  • Be 18 years or older by June 1, 2025.
  • Be able to communicate proficiently in English. All programming and resources are offered in English, but we make reasonable accommodations for those with visual, hearing, or speech impairments.
  • Be the original founder or a leading member of the founding team of the proposed organization. This means you must have played a significant role in launching the organization and have decision-making authority.
  • Be the primary decision-maker for your organization, with ultimate control over the organization’s strategic vision and growth.
  • Be able to work full-time (40 hours per week) on your proposed organization throughout the 18-month Fellowship. This means your Fellowship work must be your main professional focus.

Organization Eligibility

Your organization must meet the following criteria:

  • Your organization must operate independently and autonomously. If your organization has a fiscal sponsor, the sponsor must not have control over your operations or decision-making processes.
  • The organization must be at an early stage of development. Typically, this means your organization has been operating with full-time staff for less than five years and still needs financial or non-financial resources to grow and sustain its operations.
  • The organization must not engage in lobbying as its primary purpose, in accordance with U.S. Internal Revenue Service rules. However, issue-area advocacy and civic education are permitted.
  • Your organization must not promote or recruit for a specific religious faith. While working with faith-based communities is acceptable, direct promotion or conversion is not.
  • No member of your founding or leadership team should have previously received this Fellowship.

Tips for Writing Your Application

The application process is competitive, so here are some key tips to help you stand out:

  • Start Early: Our application is open for three weeks, but don’t wait until the last minute. Give yourself time to craft thoughtful, well-written responses.
  • Show Your Connection to the Challenge: We want to know why you are personally invested in the problem you’re addressing. Demonstrate your connection to the community you serve and why you are the right person to lead this work.
  • Be Specific: Provide concrete examples of your goals and how you plan to measure success. Vague or unclear responses are one of the most common reasons applications are not advanced to the next stage.
  • Use Plain Language: Avoid jargon and technical terms. Write clearly and assume the reader may not be familiar with your field or industry.
  • Leverage Available Resources: Use the Question-by-Question Guide to refine your answers and maximize your chances of success.

Application Cycles & Timing

Applicants will be notified about their selection status in June/July 2025. Sign up for notifications on future Fellowship cycles to stay informed about upcoming opportunities.

Submission Policies

To ensure a smooth application process, please follow these policies:

  • All applications must be submitted through the Fellowship website by 2:00 PM EDT on October 8, 2024. Late submissions will not be accepted, no exceptions.
  • You may only submit one application. Multiple submissions will result in disqualification.
  • Once submitted, applications cannot be edited. Be sure to review your application carefully before finalizing.
  • Any extraneous materials (e.g., business plans or letters of inquiry) will not be reviewed.

For additional questions, feel free to email us at While we cannot offer personal interviews, we aim to respond to all inquiries within two working days.

Frequently Asked Questions

What feedback can I expect if I’m not selected?

We receive nearly 2,000 applications annually. While we cannot provide individualized feedback, we do offer numerical feedback based on our selection criteria to help you improve future applications.

Can international applicants apply?

Yes! We encourage applicants from all over the world to apply. We do not require U.S. residency or citizenship, and you are welcome to apply from any country.

Can multiple founders apply for the Fellowship?

Only one applicant per organization can apply for the Fellowship.

Are there educational requirements?

No. There are no educational requirements for applying to the Fellowship.

What if my organization is not yet incorporated?

You can still apply even if your organization is in the idea phase. However, if selected, you will need to establish a formal entity to receive the Fellowship stipend.

Ready to take the next step toward creating lasting social impact? Start your Fellowship application today!