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Apply Now: Tilitonse Foundation’s Civil Society Strengthening Fund for Malawian CSOs

Apply Now: Tilitonse Foundation’s Civil Society Strengthening Fund for Malawian CSOs


The Tilitonse Foundation (TF), established in 2016, is dedicated to supporting Malawian Non-State Actors (NSAs) in governance and development initiatives. TF aligns with national frameworks like the Malawi 2063 Agenda and global frameworks such as the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the African Union Agenda 2063. The Foundation focuses on strengthening NSAs to enhance citizen engagement in democratic governance and uphold citizens’ rights.

Civil Society Strengthening Fund

In partnership with Comic Relief and UK Aid, Tilitonse Foundation is implementing the Shifting the Power Programme from 2022 to 2030. This programme aims to bolster local Civil Society Organisations (CSOs) by enhancing their capacity for greater independence and resilience. Key areas of focus include Early Childhood Development, Gender Justice, Mental Health, Safe and Secure Shelter, and Climate Change.

Application Process

  • Eligible local CSOs are invited to apply for the Civil Society Strengthening Fund (CSSF), which offers both Restricted (Organisational Strengthening) and Unrestricted (Core) funding.
  • Applications should be submitted electronically to with the subject line “Submission for Application for the Civil Society Strengthening Fund,” or in hard copy to Tilitonse Foundation, P.O Box 31815, Lizulu Street, Plot No 128, Area 47, Sector 5, Lilongwe.
  • The deadline for submissions is 18th October 2024, 12:00 hrs. Late applications will not be considered.

To support applicants, Tilitonse Foundation will conduct Information and Guidance Sessions in Lilongwe, Salima, Mzuzu, Karonga, Blantyre, and Zomba. Dates and venues will be announced through various media platforms, including the Tilitonse Foundation website.

Eligibility Criteria

  • Must be a local CSO operating within Malawi.
  • International organizations and individuals are ineligible.
  • Proof of registration with NGORA, MACRA, and other relevant bodies is required.
  • Must work in one or more thematic areas: Early Childhood Development, Gender Justice, Mental Health, Safe and Secure Shelter, and Climate Change.

Funding Details

  • CSSF grants range from GBP 100,000 to GBP 300,000 for 3 to 5 years.
  • Funds can be used for both restricted (organisational strengthening) and unrestricted (core) purposes.
  • Applicants must allocate at least 50% of funds to restricted use and ensure that asset acquisition does not exceed 15% of unrestricted funds. Only locally incurred costs are eligible.

Gender and Social Inclusion

Applicants must incorporate gender and social inclusion in their proposals to ensure comprehensive benefits.


All applicants must demonstrate measures to safeguard against abuse, neglect, and exploitation.

Selection Process

Applications will be evaluated based on compliance with eligibility criteria and scoring criteria. The successful applicants will be notified in writing and announced on the Tilitonse Foundation’s website and social media platforms.

Contact Information

For queries, contact the Grants and Partnerships Manager at Complaints can be addressed to

Additional Information

For more details and application guidelines, visit the Tilitonse Foundation website:

CSSF Call for Proposal Advert: Call for Proposal

CSSF Application Guide:

CSSF Application Template:

Self Assessment Tool: