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The Young Climate Leaders of Color Program is Here!

The Young Climate Leaders of Color Program is Here!
The People’s Climate Innovation Center has introduced the Young Climate Leaders of Color (YCLC) program, designed to empower the next generation of climate leaders through diverse and community-driven approaches. The program recognizes multiple pathways to change, from arts and culture to policy advocacy and ecological stewardship, and seeks to build a national network of young leaders advancing climate justice in their communities.
YCLC offers a year-long experience for up to 40 young leaders of color, each receiving a $5,000 stipend. Participants will engage in climate justice education, leadership development, and project support, connecting with experienced strategists and activists across the nation. The program provides funding for new and existing community-focused projects, supporting training, tools, and other resources necessary for success.
Who Can Apply?
•Applicants must identify as Black, African, Afro-Latinx, Afro-Indigenous, Indigenous, or a Person of Color.
•Projects must be based in the U.S., including territories like Puerto Rico and Guam.
•Age range: 18-28.
•Must be available for a Zoom interview, if required.
Program Commitment
Participants must commit to:
•Signing an award agreement and providing a project reflection.
•Attending virtual learning sessions and an in-person gathering in February 2025.
•Completing the program from January to December 2025.
Application Timeline
•Applications open: July 23, 2024, and close on September 5, 2024.
•Interviews: October 15-29, 2024.
•Decisions announced: December 3, 2024.
•Program start: January 16, 2025.
The YCLC program is a unique opportunity for young leaders of color to drive meaningful change in their communities while gaining valuable skills and connections. If you’re ready to lead on climate justice, apply to join this transformative program.