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Call for Experts: WHO Technical Advisory Group on Health, Migration, and Displacement (2024-2026)

Call for Experts: WHO Technical Advisory Group on Health, Migration, and Displacement (2024-2026)
WHO’s Health and Migration initiative, established in 2020, is now part of the Healthier Populations Division. The initiative follows the WHO Global Action Plan (GAP) on promoting the health of refugees and migrants, focusing on six priorities, including promoting health, ensuring quality care, mainstreaming health policies, addressing social determinants, improving health monitoring, and enhancing evidence-based communication.
Call for Experts
WHO is forming a Technical Advisory Group (TAG) for 2024-2026 to support the GAP and related activities aimed at improving the health of migrants, refugees, and displaced populations. The TAG will provide technical advice, develop norms and standards, and monitor progress in areas such as universal health coverage (UHC), vaccine access, climate change, and disease management.
Who Can Apply?
WHO seeks multidisciplinary experts with at least 10 years of experience in health, migration, and displacement. Around 30 members will be selected from academia, operational roles, and policy institutes across WHO regions.
How to Apply
Submit the following by 10th September 2024 (midnight CET) to with the subject line “Expression of interest for the Technical Advisory Group on health, migration and displacement”:
•A cover letter detailing your motivation and qualifications.
•Your curriculum vitae.
•A signed Declaration of Interests (DOI) form for WHO Experts.
Selected individuals will be notified after review.
For more information and to apply, click here.