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Call for Expressions of Interest: Youth Delegation to COP16

Call for Expressions of Interest: Youth Delegation to COP16
The Global Youth Biodiversity Network (GYBN) invites young leaders to join the international youth delegation at COP16 in Cali, Colombia, from October 18 to November 2, 2024. This opportunity is open to individuals aged 18-35 who are actively engaged in biodiversity issues and are passionate about advocating for rights-based approaches.
Our goal is to empower youth to actively participate in discussions on the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) and the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework (KM GBF). By involving young people, we aim to build their capacity as future partners in implementing the new biodiversity plan.
GYBN Accreditation Process:
Candidates must demonstrate a strong commitment to biodiversity and a basic understanding of international negotiations. Selected delegates will participate in a preparatory process to network, enhance their skills, and deepen their knowledge of biodiversity issues and the CBD process.
Youth Registration:
If you are between 18-35 years old and will be attending COP16 or SBI-5 but are accredited through another organization, please fill out the registration form to receive invitations to GYBN activities.
Funding Opportunities:
Express your interest if you wish to be considered for funding. Note that funding is subject to availability, and applications will be reviewed by a jury. Delegates will be ranked and selected based on their scores.
Important Dates:
•SBI-5: October 16-18, 2024
•COP16 Youth Forum: October 19-20, 2024
•COP16: October 21-November 1, 2024
•Post-COP Youth Meetings: November 2, 2024
Location: Cali, Colombia
Application Deadline: September 10, 2024, at 11:59 PM UTC
Required Documents:
•Application Form
•Digital Copy of Passport (Title: Lastname_Firstname_Passport.pdf)
Seize this chance to amplify your voice and contribute to global biodiversity efforts at COP16! Apply here.