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Youth as Solutions™ Impact Areas: Empowering Young Leaders to Drive Change

Youth as Solutions™ Impact Areas: Empowering Young Leaders to Drive Change

Across the nation, our Youth as Solutions Leadership Teams are making a difference in their communities by tackling critical issues in one of four main impact areas. These teams are composed of young leaders who are passionate about creating positive change and are taking action to address the challenges facing their schools and communities.

Apply Now!
Applications are due by Friday, September 13 at 11:59 PM CST. Don’t miss your chance to be part of this transformative experience!

Impact Areas

1. Education Equity

Education Equity ensures that every student has access to the resources and opportunities they need to succeed, regardless of their race, gender, socioeconomic status, or any other identity. Teams working in this area will challenge barriers to high-quality education, advocating for resources, creating multicultural environments, or developing technologies to support students and classrooms. By addressing these issues, they play a vital role in ensuring every student has the chance to succeed.


  • Girl Scouts of Northern California Teach Finance to Local Youth
  • Teens Empower Youth Refugees

2. Community Health

Community health empowers young people to improve health outcomes and reduce disparities by addressing pressing health issues in their schools and communities. Teams in this area might focus on teen driver safety, youth mental health, reducing gun violence, or responding to public health crises like COVID-19. The campaigns they develop aim to make measurable impacts within their communities and beyond.


  • Latinx Youth Saving Lives
  • Teen and Police Service Academy Safe Driving Campaign
  • Peyton’s Promise Hygiene Drive

3. Environmental Justice

Environmental justice teams have the power to create lasting change for our planet and future generations. By exploring and addressing issues like access to food and water, infrastructure challenges, and pollution, these teams work towards a cleaner, healthier community. Their efforts contribute to a more sustainable and equitable world.


  • H2O Heroes at Kittatinny Regional High School

4. Civics and Democracy

Civics and Democracy empowers young people to engage in activities that improve their communities and address social issues. Teams in this area focus on promoting active citizenship, fostering leadership, and impacting democratic processes. Whether facilitating voter education, building community support networks, or creating structures for collective service, these initiatives reflect a deep commitment to civic engagement and community improvement.


  • Peacemaking Leadership Teams (Sponsored by 9/11 Day)
  • Voting rights Leadership Teams (Sponsored by the Minnesota Democracy Expansion Fund)

Join the Movement!
By participating in the Youth as Solutions program, you’ll have the opportunity to lead meaningful projects that make a real difference. Apply by September 13 at 11:59 PM CST to become a part of this dynamic community of young changemakers.

For more information and to apply, visit Youth as Solutions Program.