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Apply for the Allstate Foundation College Service Grants

The Allstate Foundation 2024-2025 College Service Grants

In support of The Allstate Foundation‘s youth empowerment strategy, the Center for Expanding Leadership & Opportunity (CELO) has partnered with them to (re)define youth service for a new generation and empower youth to serve and improve communities. The Allstate Foundation has granted more than $1 million toward this program to date. As part of that strategy, grants of $10,000 will be distributed to support youth-led, youth-driven community service at community colleges, HBCUs, and other vital higher education institutions across the United States.


Funded initiatives must fall into one of the following categories:

  • Microgrants: Directly provided to students for new, youth-led service initiatives.
  • Access Support: Initiatives that increase student access to service experiences.
  • Increasing Impact: Initiatives that enhance the depth of impact of existing youth-led service activities.

Eligible Uses of Funds

Grants MAY NOT be used for:

  • Alternative break/immersion service trips;
  • “Re-gifting” funds directly to a charity or cause, or using funding to purchase resources for a charity or cause;
  • Support for political campaigns, candidates, parties, or political issues;
  • Salary support or institutional overhead.

Grant Requirements

Funds must be distributed:

  • to support youth-led, youth-driven community service at your institution
  • community service is defined along a continuum from volunteerism to civic engagement
  • Significant funding is already directed toward service-learning, so we ask you to consider opportunities beyond that modality.

You do not need to launch a new program to receive funding.


  • Funds must be spent by May 15, 2025. Given the size and scope of funding, no overhead will be provided.
  • Grantees agree to provide a final grant report outlining the use of funds by June 6, 2025.
  • Grantees commit to participating in an in-person convening with The Allstate Foundation and CELO (November 15, 2024).
  • Grantees commit to sending at least one youth involved in service from their campus to participate in a virtual focus group coordinated by CELO (Date TBD).
  • Grantees may be invited to contribute to media and dissemination efforts (contributing success stories and photos of student service work). Our goal is to amplify stories of your youth and campus efforts to ignite a renewed and sustainable investment in community service.


Institutions are required to apply by September 27, 2024 for consideration. Read more and apply!