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SDG Innovation Challenge 2024: Unleash Your Potential for Sustainable Development

SDG Innovation Challenge 2024: Unleash Your Potential for Sustainable Development

Are you passionate about sustainable development and social impact in Africa? If you’re between 16 and 35 and part of a youth-led startup or project team, the SDG Innovation Challenge 2024 is your chance to make a difference!

Why Join?

• Dynamic Platform: Connect with youth activists, organizations, and policymakers across Africa.
• Grassroots Impact: Implement SDG solutions at the community level.
• Networking: Build lasting connections in a collaborative, ecosystem-driven space.
• Global Citizenship: Enhance leadership, innovation, and communication skills.
• Unlock Resources: Gain visibility, prize money, and access to high-impact networks.

What We’re Looking For:

• Teams of 4-7 with early-stage projects (0.5 – 2 years).
• Projects addressing Energy & Carbon Reduction, WASH, Health & Wellbeing, Agriculture, or Education.
• Startups that drive mindset changes and contribute to an inclusive society.

How to Participate:

• Register by August 31, 2024.
• Virtual challenge dates: September 12-14, 2024.
• Team Applications Only: One application per team of 4-7 members.

Don’t miss out! Join a pan-African innovation space where young people come together to create transformative, sustainable solutions. Start your application today and help shape the future!