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Global Student Fellowship program for UNSW Sydney Students (Paid Opportunity)

Global Student Fellowship program for UNSW Sydney Students (Paid Opportunity)


The Australian Human Rights Institute’s Global Student Fellowship Program provides UNSW students with the opportunity to engage in fellowships with leading international development or human rights-based organizations. This program offers a unique chance for students to gain practical experience and build a career in human rights and development.

Fellowship Details

The program is open to UNSW students from any faculty, offering a paid fellowship of AU$6,500 for a six-week placement. Students will engage in the daily operations of their host organization, focusing on research and policy development, though academic credit is not awarded.

Detailed information on 2024/2025 fellowship opportunities is available in the FAQs section.

Key Dates for 2024/25

  • Applications Close: 5pm Sunday, 1 September
  • Shortlisted Interviews: Mid-late September
  • Notification of Successful Candidates: October
  • Fellowship Information Session: Mid-late October
  • Fellowship Period: December 2024 – February 2025

2024/2025 Fellowship Opportunities

Eligibility Criteria

  • Applicants must be a student enrolled in any UNSW degree by coursework (both full-time or part-time permitted).
  • Strong priority will be given to students in their penultimate year of study with a demonstrated interest in human rights and/or development work.
  • Applicants must have at least one subject to complete upon return from their Fellowship Program.
  • Applicants must have a WAM of 70+ at the time of applying.
  • Applicants must have the ability to complete the fellowship without compromising their studies, including assessments and examination periods.
  • Applicants must be willing to provide testimonials about the fellowship experience for use in Institute communications and promotions, including photos and/or videos of their time at the host organization.
  • Applicants should have a demonstrated interest in human rights and/or development issues.

Application Process

How to Apply: The following supporting documents will be required:

  • CV – up to date, including your education, professional, and volunteer experience (max 2 pages).
  • Cover Letter – outlining your reasons for applying for the fellowship program, your preferences with a justification, your interest in the work and mission of each organization you are applying for, and your human rights/international development study or work experience (max 500 words).
  • Academic Transcript

Once selected, students will be matched with a host organization and are required to attend an information session in October. The exact dates for the fellowship will be coordinated with the host organization, and placements will occur between December and February.

Support and Funding

The program is supported by generous philanthropic donors and UNSW partners, including:

  • The Ingram Fund for International Law and Development (established by James Ingram AO, former Executive Director of the UN World Food Programme)
  • The Louise Brown Memorial Award (in memory of UNSW student Louise Odette Brown)
  • Kate Harrison (Advisory Committee member of the Australian Human Rights Institute and partner at Gilbert & Tobin)
  • Scientia Professor Louise Chappell (former director of the Australian Human Rights Institute)

How to Apply

Students interested in the Global Student Fellowship Program can apply through the provided link: Apply here.

Support the Program

To support the Global Student Fellowship Program, consider making a donation here.

Visit the website for more information.