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Funding Opportunity: Tackling Online Gender-Based Violence Through Innovative Projects

Funding Opportunity: Tackling Online Gender-Based Violence Through Innovative Projects


The “Laboratory for Women’s Rights Online” initiative, launched on International Women’s Day (March 8, 2024), by the Ministry for Europe and Foreign Affairs, aims to combat and prevent gender-based violence online. This initiative encourages the development of technical solutions, concrete projects, and research targeting online violence against women.

Funding and Eligibility

  • Total Available Funds: €250,000 (maximum of 5 projects)
  • Grant Amounts: €40,000 – €60,000
  • Submission Deadline: September 23, 2024, at 11:59 PM (Paris Time)
  • Geographical Coverage: Global (applicants in all countries are eligible to apply)

Program Objectives

  1. Incubate Technical Solutions: Support projects developing technological solutions to combat online gender-based violence.
  2. Support Research and Projects: Fund concrete and research projects aimed at preventing and addressing online and technology-facilitated gender-based violence.

Eligibility Criteria

  • Lead Applicant Requirements:
    • Must be a legal, non-profit entity (NGO, civil society organization, research entity, or private sector actor).
    • Be established in an eligible State in accordance with the financial instrument used.
    • Directly responsible for the preparation and management of the project and not act as an intermediary.
    • Have a bank account in the name of the entity to receive grant funds
    • Have identification documents in the name of the beneficiary legal person/legal entity (registration certificate or legal recognition document or registration number or similar documents that can prove the existence of the organization)
    • Experience of at least two years in project implementation or grant management related to the themes of this call.
  • Project Criteria:
    • Must contribute to gender equality and address online gender-based violence.
    • Duration should not exceed 11 months.
    • Actions must have a transnational or global impact and be scalable at the local level.

Thematic Priorities

  1. Combating Online Gender-Based Violence Facilitated by Technology:
    • Non-consensual distribution and exploitation of intimate content.
    • Gender-based harassment targeting women in public roles (politicians, activists, artists).
  2. Risks Related to Emerging Technologies, Algorithms and Moderation:
    • Use of AI either to combat gender-based violence facilitated by AI (including the creation and non-consensual dissemination of deepfakes of a sexual nature), or projects developed with AI in one of the 4 themes
    • Exploring algorithmic biases and content moderation issues.
  3. Prevention and Digital Education:
    • Promoting healthy and responsible use of internet and digital technology to prevent online violence.
    • Encouraging the inclusion of girls in safe digital environments, with equal opportunities.
  4. Research on Masculinist Content and Networks:
    • Understanding and addressing misogynistic online content and networks.
    • Exploring the intersection between online masculinist movements and other extremist groups.

Application and Selection Process

  • Submission Requirements:
    • Applicants must submit their application in English or French. Register here.
    • Complete application and supporting documents must be submitted by the deadline.
    • Eligibility of the lead applicant and partners will be verified first, followed by a detailed evaluation of the application.
  • Detailed Evaluation Criteria:
    Criteria Points
    1. Pertinence of the Project 20
    1.1 To what extent does the proposal meet the objectives and priorities specified in the call for projects?* 5
    1.2 To what extent are the parties concerned (end beneficiaries, target groups) clearly defined and selected in a strategic manner? Have their needs been clearly defined and are they adequately covered in the proposal? 5
    1.3 Does the proposal contain specific elements to ensure that projects are victim/survivor-centered, gender sensitive/transformative in their design and development, inclusive, safe and secure, and gender-focused? Does it address data confidentiality (in the case of technical/technological projects)? 5
    1.4 To what extent have the specific needs of women, girls and gender been taken into consideration to calibrate action? Has or will a gender perspective analysis be carried out? 5
    2. Design, Effectiveness, Feasibility of the Project and Activities 20
    2.1 To what extent is the overall design of the project coherent? In particular, does it include the analysis of problems? Does it take into account external factors and relevant stakeholders? 5
    2.2 Are the proposed activities appropriate, tangible and consistent with the objectives and expected results? 5
    2.3 Does the proposal contain objectively verifiable indicators to evaluate the results of the project? Has an evaluation been planned? 5
    2.4 Is there a satisfactory level of participation and commitment to the project among applicants and partners? If the lead applicant submits an application without partners, the score in point 2.4 will be 5, unless the participation of partners is mandatory under this call for projects. 5
    3. Sustainability of the Project 25
    3.1 Does the project provide a strategy for appropriation and application of results and products by stakeholders and/or final beneficiaries? 5 (x2) **
    3.2 Is the proposal likely to have multiplier effects (including probability of reproduction, extension and sharing of information)? 5
    3.3 Are the expected results of the proposed action sustainable?

    – from a financial point of view (how will the activities be financed at the end of the grant?)

    – from an institutional point of view (will there be structures or methods allowing activities to continue at the end of the project (end of grant)? Will there be local “appropriation” of the results of the action, in addition to transnational development?)

    – at the institutional level (if applicable) (what will be the structural impact of the action – for example, is it likely to lead to better laws, codes of conduct, methods, etc.?)

    5 (x2) **
    4. Management and Implementation of the Project 15
    4.1 Do the operational management methods seem appropriate to guarantee the proper implementation of the project? Does the candidate have experience in project management? 5
    4.2 Do the financial management methods seem appropriate to guarantee the proper implementation of the project? Does the candidate have experience in grant management? 5 (x2) **
    5. Financial Aspects 20
    5.1 Are activities correctly reflected in the budget? 5
    5.2 Is there a satisfactory and consistent relationship between estimated costs and expected results? 5
    5.3 Do the material and technical means seem appropriate to guarantee the successful implementation of the project? 5
    5.4 Does the proposed team seem appropriate to manage the implementation of the project? 5


    • **5 (x2) ** indicates that this criterion is doubly weighted, meaning the score will be multiplied by 2.

Important Considerations

  • Cross-cutting Theme: Artificial intelligence projects are particularly encouraged, especially those leveraging AI to combat gender-based violence.
  • Non-Eligible Actions: Projects solely focused on workshops, individual scholarships, political party support, or proselytism are not eligible.

Applicants may submit their questions by email, no later than 10 days before the application submission deadline, to the address(es) listed below, with the call for projects reference clearly stated:

Email address:

For more details, download the rules of the application here.